
一个新的试点项目依赖于一个新兴的, 先进的技术,可靠地管理电源, 高效和可持续. BlockEnergy combines renewable solar energy with battery storage and local generation to create an energy system that can operate independently and can also seamlessly connect to the traditional utility grid as backup.


十大网赌靠谱网址平台正在参与一个新的BlockEnergy平台, 哪一个是新的公用事业公司, 住宅微电网产品.

This four-year pilot program is in the Medley subdivision within the Southshore Bay master-planned community 在希尔斯堡县南部. 它由大约40套新的莱纳房屋组成,全部由 BlockEnergy, and it will serve as the first residential deployment of the residential platform in the United States.

BlockEnergy combines renewable energy with battery storage and local generation to create an energy system, 称为微电网. Each home in the pilot program will have utility-owned rooftop solar panels and a BlockBox, 包含电池存储和分布式控制, 它和空调差不多大. 这些都属于十大网赌靠谱网址平台. 每个家庭的BlockBox都将连接到社区一级的环路系统, 谁与微电网中的所有家庭共享电力.


  • Customers will have more reliable electricity because the microgrid is self-contained. 附近的停电不会影响微电网.
  • 这个项目不收取额外费用. Customers pay the same rates for electricity use as other residential customers.
  • Customers can take pride in the fact that they are living in a community that receives a greater percentage of its energy from renewable sources and a has a smaller carbon footprint.
  • 客户正在参与一个依赖于新兴市场的项目, 可靠管理电力的尖端技术, 高效和可持续.

这项技术已经在其他地方进行了测试. The Kirtland Resiliency Project at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M.自2019年12月以来一直在运营.


A. BlockEnergy是一种新的公用事业拥有的住宅微电网产品 Emera技术. BlockEnergy combines renewable solar energy with battery storage and local generation to create an energy system that can operate independently and can also seamlessly connect to the traditional utility grid as backup. 它可以部署在新的住宅社区, 将更清洁的可再生能源与能源弹性相结合. It uses state-of-the-art technology to address real-time fluctuations in home electricity use.

A. 微电网是一种新兴的技术. 不像传统的电网, which has several centralized power plants that serve thousands of customers, a microgrid is a small network that generates electricity for a single community, 比如一个社区, 并且可以在没有传统电网供应的情况下自我维持.

A. Emera技术 is working with Lennar Homes and Metro Development Group for the Medley subdivision within the Southshore Bay master-planned community in Ruskin, 在希尔斯堡县南部. 它由大约40套新的莱纳房屋组成,全部由 BlockEnergy, and it will serve as the first installation of the residential platform in the United States.

A. Each home in Southshore Bay will have utility-owned rooftop solar panels and a Block Box, 包含电池存储和分布式控制, 它和空调差不多大. 每个家庭的Block Box都将连接到社区一级的环路系统, 这将为该社区的每个人提供可再生能源. The technology allows the neighborhood to disconnect from the grid during power outages, 比如在恶劣天气之后. 每个家庭也连接到十大网赌靠谱网址平台的传统电网.

A. BlockEnergy uses direct-current (DC) technology to integrate both battery storage and solar, 它们都在直流电压下工作. 这简化了控制系统, 更容易分享能源,效率更高, 因为系统是直接相连的. It is also unique that the rooftop solar panels are not dedicated to that home, 而是社区共享的能源, 哪里需要. 屋顶太阳能电池板由十大网赌靠谱网址平台拥有和维护.

A. The Kirtland Resiliency Project at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M.自2019年12月以来一直在运营. 这个生活实验室是与科特兰空军合作创建的, Sandia National Laboratories (through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Emera技术) and the Department of Energy's Distributed Energy Technology Lab – has supplied 250 kilowatts of renewable electricity to a row of base houses and other installations consistently since the launch.

A. Emera技术的第一次 BlockEnergy Smart Platform has operated seamlessly at Kirtland Air Force Base since December 2019. 250千瓦, 太阳能/电池微电网目前为六个基地住宅供电, 一个社区中心和一个电动车充电站.

A. Emera技术 是Emera公司的子公司., the international, publicly traded utility company that also owns 坦帕电. Emera created the subsidiary to explore and develop emerging energy-related technologies.

A. 不,这个产品是由公用事业公司制造和拥有的. 这对目前新建的房屋来说是最有意义的.

A. This product would be good for home builders who want to incorporate renewable energy and resiliency into their community.


A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台是 Emera技术南岸湾开发项目的新产品. 坦帕电 purchased the equipment and will own it for the duration of its life, 预计是25到30年.

A. 坦帕电 is impressed by the technology and has followed the previous successful pilot projects using BlockEnergy. We are optimistic about the potential of BlockEnergy for residential neighborhoods, 因为它为环境的可持续性提供了许多优势, 可靠性和可负担性. While we are committed to moving forward with a pilot program filed at the Public Service Commission and hope for success with this project, we will be doing a careful evaluation to ensure it's a good fit for us and our customers.


A. 这个项目不收取额外费用. Customers pay the same rate for electricity use as other residential customers who receive their electricity directly from 坦帕电's grid.

A. 不,它不是. 尽管微电网使用太阳能电池板, 这些电池板和它们产生的能量都属于十大网赌靠谱网址平台. 家庭没有净计量表. Homeowners do have the right to install their own solar panels on the roof (See "我可以自己安装太阳能板吗?”下面).


  • Customers will have more reliable electricity because the microgrid is self-contained. 附近的停电不会影响微电网.
  • 这个项目不收取额外费用. Customers pay the same rates for electricity use as other residential customers.
  • Customers can take pride in the fact that they are living in a community that receives a greater percentage of its energy from renewable sources and a has a smaller carbon footprint.
  • 客户正在参与一个依赖于新兴市场的项目, 可靠管理电力的尖端技术, 高效和可持续.

A. 每个Block Box都配有LED灯,以确保行人安全. 有时, 你可能会看到那些灯开着或关着, 特别是在项目的早期测试阶段. The lights are decorative and do not indicate whether the unit is functioning.

A. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将维护其设备, 包括太阳能电池板, 为了微电网的生命. 如果试点项目被终止, the homeowner could choose to keep the solar panels (and have them net metered) or have 坦帕电 remove them. 坦帕电 will continue to provide electric service to homes in the community, 无论是通过微电网还是通过传统服务.

A. 在发生伤害的极小概率上, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台将赔偿因十大国际老虎机平台的设备造成的任何财产损失, 雇员或承办商.

A. 是的, you may install your own solar panels on any roof space that 坦帕电 is not using for its pilot project. 然而, 坦帕电 would have to remove your home from the microgrid program and would instead serve your home through a traditional electric connection. 坦帕电's solar panels would still remain on your roof to serve other participants in the program.

A. 因为微电网增加了可靠性, 十大国际老虎机平台不认为接入微电网的家庭需要其他形式的电力, 比如备用发电机. 电池为你的家提供备用电源. Homeowners who choose to install or use a generator should hire a licensed and qualified electrician to ensure that the generator is installed in accordance with applicable laws, 守则及规定.

A. 试点项目包括南岸湾约40户家庭. 坦帕电 has no plans to expand the pilot program to additional homes.
